Updates in the Control Panel: Dashboard Filters and Closed Account

We wanted to give you a quick update on some improvements we've rolled out in the Control Panel over the past few weeks. Here they are:

Filters in the dashboard section:

Filter in the Dashboard Section

Now, along with date range filters, you can also filter by Accounts. In case you have more than one Account Holder or multiple Currencies, you can easily filter by those entities as well.
Keep in mind that since we recently introduced the Account Holder entity in the system, the filter for it will only display data from March 1st onwards.

Hiding closed accounts older than three months:

Hiding Closed Accounts

To streamline account management in the Control Panel, closed accounts over three months old will now be removed from the interface. We understand that within the first three months after closure, you've likely had enough time to gather necessary information, and having them around becomes more of a hassle in your day-to-day operations.

However, please note that their disappearance from the Control Panel doesn't mean we delete them from our system. If you ever need information from a closed account of this nature in the future, you can make an API request or reach out to us. We'll happily provide any required information without any issues.

We hope these changes make managing your accounts in Devengo easier. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We're here to help!