
Account Identifiers, Third party info on payments, Creation date on issued accounts

Some great changes are coming to Devengo API, connected with increased consistency and new market support in the service. Please keep reading to discover them.

Account identifiers

Until now, all the operations related to a given bank account issued by Devengo or by any other entity were connected with a specific IBAN. As Devengo keeps growing and expanding to new markets we are introducing the concept of account identifiers to support scenarios where a bank account has been issued in a country that does not use IBANs.

So next time you issue an account, you will get a new identifiers element, an array with all the potential identifiers or the account:

  "id": "acc_fYpgX5Ytdxzexuf61lFmw",
  "number": "ES6621000418401234567891", // Deprecated field
  **"identifiers": [
      "type": "iban",
      "iban": "ES6621000418401234567891"

Devengo accounts issued in the UK, for example, will provide additional identifiers to be used in local payment schemes:

"identifiers": [
    "type": "**iban**",
    "iban": "GB06MODR04039200631973"
    "type": "**ukscan**",
    "sort_code": "040392",
    "account_number": "00631973"

(By the way, let us know if you are interested in using Devengo in the UK or in any other market outside the EU we still don't support. We actively listen to our customers to activate new markets and will happily talk with you about your needs)

Accordingly, this new identifiers attribute will be included in the third_party element you get for multiple entities (payments, incoming payments, etc.)

**"third_party": {
  "account": {
    "identifiers": [
        "type": "iban",
        "iban": "ES2914653111661392648933"
    "bank": {
      "name": "ING",
      "bic": "INGDESMMXXX"
  "account_number": {
    "iban": "ES2914653111661392648933" // Deprecated field

As you can see in the snippets, the number attribute in your accounts and the account_number.iban in the third parties are now deprecated, and we are sunsetting them on March 17. On that date, they will be removed and no longer available.

Third Party info on payments 

As part of our constant work on making Devengo's API more consistent, we are extending the presence of the third_party attribute to all the outgoing_payment.* events we send via webhook. Now payments, incoming payments and transactions all present the information of the counterparty involved in the money movement in the same way. 

Easier to parse and easier to integrate.

Creation date on issued accounts

Another small change will increase the operability and consistency of the Devengo API. Starting tomorrow, all issued accounts will present the issuing date:

  "account": {
    "id": "acc_7SZwPFdReAtDu8aNr1T5dE",
    **"created_at": "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z",**

So no more wondering when an account was issued!

We have more changes coming your way that will increase the reach, consistency and stability of the API. Stay tuned.